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We offer 2ND Amendment Articles, Pro Gun Quotes, NRA Memberships, Gun supplies & accessories including ammunition with Fast Delivery.

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We love what we do and it shows. With more than 25 years of experience in Helping Americans, we know the Customer Service industry like the back of our hands. There’s no challenge too big or too small, and we dedicate our utmost energy to every project we take on. We are now using this energy for your 2Nd Amendment Needs !! Now tell us, How can we be of assistance?

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Every customer is unique. That’s why we customize every one of our plans to fit your needs exactly. Whether it’s a small  need or a comprehensive package , we’ll sit down with you, listen to your requests, and prepare a customized plan. 
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“The Second Amendment ensures that we have that choice, a choice not given to us by a government but a choice protected from government. That which government gives can be taken away, which is precisely why the Founders never enshrined the authority over gun rights within the often weak, easily influenced dominion of man. That authority, the authority to choose to lawfully carry or not to carry, is an individual choice. My holster, my choice. Let’s protect it.” 
― Dana Loesch, Hands Off My Gun: Defeating the Plot to Disarm America


"Bad guys use weaknesses to strike. Easy locks, no gun zones, it’s like your saying to the criminals come & get me I have no recourse.When you are armed people think twice about it & it gives you an equal opportunity to fight back. You can only worry about how you respond in danger" ----- Kaya Jones


There is no such thing as gun control. Only people control.” 
― Dan Bongino
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